Graphing the Brazilian GDP in R

Graphing the Brazilian GDP in R.

Paulo Ferreira Naibert

Updated 2020-09-03

In this post, we want to make a similar plot as the figure in this pdf.


First, I already downloaded the data and saved the only column that I will need in a .csv file. Next, I will import the data to R and get some quick visualizations.

# Import
PIB <- read.csv("../../data/PIB_BASE_2000.csv")

# info about PIB

'data.frame':   141 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ Data                                                                                                                                                                                                                        : chr  "1980 T1" "1980 T2" "1980 T3" "1980 T4" ...
 $ PIB...preçíndice.encadeado..méíência.2000..IBGE.SCN.2000.Trim.....SCN4_PIBPM4: num  70.6 76.3 75.5 73.2 70.5 74.3 71 67.3 67.3 74.8 ...

# quick visualizations

1 1980 T1
2 1980 T2
3 1980 T3
4 1980 T4
5 1981 T1
6 1981 T2
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                         70.6
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                         76.3
3                                                                                                                                                                                                                         75.5
4                                                                                                                                                                                                                         73.2
5                                                                                                                                                                                                                         70.5
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                         74.3


136          2013 T4
137          2014 T1
138          2014 T2
139          2014 T3
141 Fonte: IPEADATA.
136                                                                                                                                                                                                                        169.8
137                                                                                                                                                                                                                        164.1
138                                                                                                                                                                                                                        168.4
139                                                                                                                                                                                                                        169.3
140                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NA
141                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NA

We can see that we don’t need the last two lines and that the first row are the dates. (Yes, in PT-BR date is called data; also, in case you are wondering, data is called dados, which is just the latin translation. Anyway, moving on). We are going to save the dates in vector in dates and delete the first column.

# trim the last two lines
PIB <- head(PIB, -2)

# get first row and name it "dates"
dates <- PIB[,1]

# delete the first column
PIB <- PIB[,-1]

After deleting the first column, we can see that PIB changed class:

# PIB is a different class now

 num [1:139] 70.6 76.3 75.5 73.2 70.5 74.3 71 67.3 67.3 74.8 ...

Before we give names to the values, let’s format it more to our liking.

# rearrange strings in dates

[1] "1980 T1" "1980 T2" "1980 T3" "1980 T4" "1981 T1" "1981 T2"

dates <- gsub(" T", ":Q", dates)

[1] "1980:Q1" "1980:Q2" "1980:Q3" "1980:Q4" "1981:Q1" "1981:Q2"

Note that PIB is a numeric, so we put names, not rownames.

# give names to values and rearrange string
names(PIB) <- dates

# visualize again

1980:Q1 1980:Q2 1980:Q3 1980:Q4 1981:Q1 1981:Q2 
   70.6    76.3    75.5    73.2    70.5    74.3 


2013:Q2 2013:Q3 2013:Q4 2014:Q1 2014:Q2 2014:Q3 
  169.9   169.7   169.8   164.1   168.4   169.3 

Now we can plot our data.

plot(PIB, t="l")

This plot doesn’t have the correct x labels. We will correct that by using a ts object.

ts object

It is pretty straightforward to make a ts object.

PIB.ts <- ts(PIB, start=c(1980, 1), end=c(2014, 3), freq=4 )

Now, we plot PIB.ts.

# graph it

And the x labels are correct.

Recession Dates

Now we get the dates to put the recession bars in the graph (yes, manually).

# get recession limits in dates
recs <- c("1981:Q1", "1983:Q1", "1987:Q3", "1988:Q3", "1989:Q3", "1992:Q1", "1995:Q2", "1995:Q3", "1998:Q1", "1999:Q1", "2001:Q2", "2001:Q4", "2003:Q1", "2003:Q2", "2008:Q4", "2009:Q1" )

And we can make a nicer display with kable().

tab.rec <- t( matrix( recs, nrow=2 ) )
colnames(tab.rec) <- c( "begin", "end")
begin end
1981:Q1 1983:Q1
1987:Q3 1988:Q3
1989:Q3 1992:Q1
1995:Q2 1995:Q3
1998:Q1 1999:Q1
2001:Q2 2001:Q4
2003:Q1 2003:Q2
2008:Q4 2009:Q1

The dates in recs are correct and are more intuitive, however, rect() and abline() cannot understand that format, so we will use numeric dates.

# get recession limits in numeric dates
qtr2num <- function(data) return( as.numeric(substring(data, 1, 4)) - 1/4 + as.numeric( substring(data, 7) )/4 )
recs2 <- qtr2num(recs)

 [1] 1981.00 1983.00 1987.50 1988.50 1989.50 1992.00 1995.25 1995.50
 [9] 1998.00 1999.00 2001.25 2001.75 2003.00 2003.25 2008.75 2009.00

Or we can get the series indices of the recession dates.

# get recession limits in indices
idx <- unlist( sapply(recs, function(x) which(x==dates) ) )
names(idx) <- recs2; idx

   1981    1983  1987.5  1988.5  1989.5    1992 1995.25  1995.5 
      5      13      31      35      39      49      62      63 
   1998    1999 2001.25 2001.75    2003 2003.25 2008.75    2009 
     73      77      86      88      93      94     116     117 

Now that we have the recession limit dates, we plot the data with some more options, and use the rect() function to plot the graph with the recession bars.

# graph it
plot(PIB.ts, xlim = c(1980, 2015), ylim=c(60,200), col="blue", lwd=1.5, main ="Cronologia Trimestral dos Ciclos de Negócios Brasileiros", xlab = "", ylab="")
for(i in 1:NROW(tab.rec)) rect(recs2[1+2*(i-1)], 1, recs2[2*i], 250, col="gray", border=T)

Wellp, that didn’t go according to plan!

OK, we will use plot(NULL, ...) to remedy the situation:

# graph it
plot(NULL, xlim = c(1980, 2015), ylim=c(60,200), main ="Cronologia Trimestral dos Ciclos de Negócios Brasileiros", xlab = "", ylab="")
for(i in 1:NROW(tab.rec)) rect(recs2[1+2*(i-1)], 1, recs2[2*i], 250, col="gray", border=T)
lines(PIB.ts, ylim=c(60,200), col="blue", lwd=1.5)

Final Remarks

We did it!

Not quite. Our data is not Seasonally Adjusted, and our series ends in 2014:Q3, while the orginal graphs ends in 2020:Q1. However, this is just a matter of getting the data and plugging in the functions. For now, our work is done.

In the next post I intend to make wrappers of the functions used to automate the whole thing.


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.