Brazilian Seasonally Adjusted GDP

In this post, I will replicate the IBGE Seasonally Adjusted GDP from the GDP Chained Quarterly Index with the seasonal package

Paulo Ferreira Naibert

Last Updated 2020-09-09

On the IBGE publication of the Brazilian GDP data, they release, among others, 3 series:

  1. GDP Chained Quarterly Index: Table 1620
  2. GDP Chained Quarterly Index with Seasonal Adjustment: Table 1621
  3. GDP Growth T/T-1 with Seasonal Adjustment: Table 5932

On this post, I will try to match the IBGE model of Seasonally Adjusted using the X13-ARIMA software. A note of caution is in order here, I am not actually trying to model the series, what we are trying to do is to match the IBGE model.

To replicate the IBGE model, we use the GDP Chained Quarterly Index (with NO seasonal adjustment) and use the X13-ARIMA software through the seasonal package.


The seasonal package depends on the x13binary package. It should automatically download and compile the x13 program. But, alas, it didn’t work on my machine, so I manually downloaded the program from the census bureau website and indicated to R where the program was located.

Let’s load the seasonal package and use the checkX13() function to check if it is working:


The system variable 'X13_PATH' has been manually set to: 
Since version 1.2, 'seasonal' relies on the 'x13binary' 
package and does not require 'X13_PATH' to be set anymore. 
Only set 'X13_PATH' manually if you intend to use your own
binaries. See ?seasonal for details.


X-13 installation test:

  - X13_PATH correctly specified

  - binary executable file found

  - command line test run successful

  - command line test produced HTML output

  - seasonal test run successful

Congratulations! 'seasonal' should work fine!

OK. It works.

Let’s get to Work

First, let’s load up our functions and other libraries.

# source functions

# load libraries

Now, we load the data and make some transformations.

gdp.index.NSA <-  readRDS("../../data/gdp-index-NSA.rds")
gdp.index.SA  <-  readRDS("../../data/gdp-index-SA.rds")

gdp.nsa <- df2ts( gdp.index.NSA )[, "GDP"]
gdp.sa1 <- df2ts( gdp.index.SA )[, "GDP"]

gdp.index <- cbind(gdp.index.NSA[, c(1,2,3)], "NSA"=gdp.index.NSA$GDP, "SA"=gdp.index.SA$GDP)

Now that the data is loaded, let’s make a plot.

X13 Arima

IBGE Model

On the IBGE release we can find the model used by IBGE on the Table on Page 24. There it says:

Variável sazonalidade decomposição modelo arima efeitos de intervenção
PIB Sim multiplicativo (2 1 2)(0 1 1) TD, Easter[1], LS2008.4, AO2020.2

So let’s try to replicate it using the seasonal package. The X13-ARIMA should do everything automatically.

Trying (and Failing) to replicate

Automatic Model

First, we try a vanilla call, just seas(gdp.nsa), let’s see what it outputs:

# Vanilla Model
m0 <- seas(gdp.nsa)

seas(x = gdp.nsa)

                 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
Weekday         0.0012918  0.0005785   2.233   0.0255 *  
LS2008.4       -0.0512843  0.0116034  -4.420 9.88e-06 ***
AO2020.2       -0.1072112  0.0128372  -8.352  < 2e-16 ***
MA-Seasonal-04  0.6342704  0.0755385   8.397  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

SEATS adj.  ARIMA: (0 1 0)(0 1 1)  Obs.: 98  Transform: log
AICc: 387.1, BIC: 399.1  QS (no seasonality in final):    0  
Box-Ljung (no autocorr.): 10.28   Shapiro (normality): 0.977 .

Also, we can check the call used by the function:


seas(x = gdp.nsa, regression.variables = c("td1coef", "ls2008.4", 
"ao2020.2"), arima.model = "(0 1 0)(0 1 1)", regression.aictest = NULL, 
    outlier = NULL, transform.function = "log")

OK, so it is a SARIMA model \((0, 1, 0)(0, 1, 1)\) with level shift on 2008:Q4 and an outlier on 2020:Q2. Also, there is a weekday effect. Comparing with the IBGE model, it is NOT the same. The IBGE model has SARIMA of order \((2, 1, 2)(0, 1, 1)\) and easter effect. About the Trading Days (TD), the IBGE release is a little mysterious, what kind of TD did they use? There is not a unique specification for that effect.

Now, let’s check the difference between IBGE’s seasonal ajustment and ours.

mean( abs( gdp.sa1 - final(m0) ) )

[1] 0.1729848

all.equal(gdp.sa1, final(m0))

[1] "Mean relative difference: 0.001224425"

So it is really not the model we want.

Manual SARIMA (2 1 2)(0 1 1) Model

Let’s try some more specifications:

m1 <- seas(
x = gdp.nsa,
transform.function = "log",
arima.model = "(2 1 2)(0 1 1)",

seas(x = gdp.nsa, transform.function = "log", arima.model = "(2 1 2)(0 1 1)")

                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
Weekday            0.0012377  0.0005456   2.269  0.02330 *  
Easter[1]         -0.0029428  0.0018472  -1.593  0.11114    
LS2008.4          -0.0509225  0.0112885  -4.511 6.45e-06 ***
AO2020.2          -0.1028350  0.0126628  -8.121 4.62e-16 ***
AR-Nonseasonal-01 -0.1208207  0.1792415  -0.674  0.50027    
AR-Nonseasonal-02  0.5719158  0.1910685   2.993  0.00276 ** 
MA-Nonseasonal-01 -0.2223337  0.1995344  -1.114  0.26517    
MA-Nonseasonal-02  0.5275199  0.2057442   2.564  0.01035 *  
MA-Seasonal-04     0.6271997  0.0927007   6.766 1.33e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

SEATS adj.  ARIMA: (2 1 2)(0 1 1)  Obs.: 98  Transform: log
AICc: 395.4, BIC:   418  QS (no seasonality in final):    0  
Box-Ljung (no autocorr.): 6.437   Shapiro (normality): 0.9745 .

mean( abs( gdp.sa1 - final(m1) ) )

[1] 0.1389248

all.equal(gdp.sa1, final(m1))

[1] "Mean relative difference: 0.0009833405"

OK, there’s something wrong. Checking the IBGE CNT website under Ajuste_Sazonal there is a pdf that explains how the function call is made by the IBGE researcher. We can use the view(m1) function to get direct access to the X13 program by means of a shiny app. On the X13 program we have to use the options listed below (the IBGE pdf has a typo, it says tipes when it should be types):

  function = auto

  aictest = (td easter)

  method = best
  identify = all

  types = all

  maxlead = 6
  maxback = 0

  savelog = q

Sending the output to the console, we get the static() call, which can be summarised as:

m1 <- seas(x = gdp.nsa,
     automdl = NULL,
     pickmdl.method = "best",
     pickmdl.identify = "all",
     outlier.types = "all",
     forecast.maxlead = 6,
     forecast.maxback = 0,
     x11.savelog = "q")

The IBGE specification


seas(x = gdp.nsa, automdl = NULL, pickmdl.method = "best", pickmdl.identify = "all", 
    outlier.types = "all", forecast.maxlead = 6, forecast.maxback = 0, 
    x11.savelog = "q")

                    Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
Weekday            0.0012377  0.0005456   2.269  0.02330 *  
Easter[1]         -0.0029428  0.0018472  -1.593  0.11114    
LS2008.4          -0.0509225  0.0112885  -4.511 6.45e-06 ***
AO2020.2          -0.1028350  0.0126628  -8.121 4.62e-16 ***
AR-Nonseasonal-01 -0.1207980  0.1792272  -0.674  0.50032    
AR-Nonseasonal-02  0.5719139  0.1910600   2.993  0.00276 ** 
MA-Nonseasonal-01 -0.2223111  0.1995181  -1.114  0.26518    
MA-Nonseasonal-02  0.5275208  0.2057344   2.564  0.01034 *  
MA-Seasonal-04     0.6272008  0.0927001   6.766 1.32e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

X11 adj.  ARIMA: (2 1 2)(0 1 1)  Obs.: 98  Transform: log
AICc: 395.4, BIC:   418  QS (no seasonality in final):    0  
Box-Ljung (no autocorr.): 6.438   Shapiro (normality): 0.9745 .

mean(abs( gdp.sa1 - final(m1) ))

[1] 3.774537e-05

all.equal(gdp.sa1, final(m1))

[1] "Mean relative difference: 2.671702e-07"


seas(x = gdp.nsa, forecast.maxlead = 6, forecast.maxback = 0, 
    x11.savelog = "q", regression.variables = c("td1coef", "easter[1]", 
    "ls2008.4", "ao2020.2"), arima.model = "(2 1 2)(0 1 1)", 
    regression.aictest = NULL, outlier = NULL, transform.function = "log")

Now, not only the function returned the specification described on the IBGE release, but also the differences are after the 4th decimal place (which suggests rounding errors only).

Seasonally Adjusted Series Plot

Let’s plot the Seasonally Adjusted Index and the differences of the IBGE original series from Table 1621 and our X13 adjustment:

plot(final(m1), col = "blue", lwd=2)
lines(gdp.sa1, col="red", lwd=2)


Yeah, it is pretty close.

T/T-1 Growth

Also, let’s check if the T/T-1 returns match:

gdp.ret1.full <-  readRDS("../../data/gdp-ret1.rds")
gdp.ret <- df2ts( gdp.ret1.full )[, "GDP"]

myret1 <- ts(round(ret1(gdp.sa1),1), start=c(1996,1), freq=4)
myret2 <- ts(round(ret1(final(m1)),1), start=c(1996,1), freq=4)
all.equal(gdp.ret, myret1)

[1] TRUE

all.equal(gdp.ret, myret2)

[1] TRUE

It does! We did it!

More Plots

Finally, let’s replicate the Figures I.4 and I.5 of the IBGE release with ggplot:

And it looks a lot like they are the same plots.

Final Thoughts

So, thanks to the IBGE documentation we could replicate the Seasonally Adjusted series. I think I only wished it was a little easier to find it; also in the release, there could be calls made to the X13 program. But well, at least they did publish the calls, it was just a bit out of the way for us to find it.



If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.